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BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM THIS COLD SEASON WITH IV NUTRIENT THERAPY. Nutrition Therapy (or IVNT) offers a wide range of benefits - different drip formulations provide different levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for a variety of reasons. Many people opt for ongoing courses of IVNT, but there are some occasions where having a one-off drip might be of use to you...

When you've been burning the candle at both ends

If you're coming to the end of a period of stress (or, actually if you're still going through it), an IV drip can give your body back some of the balance you're lacking. Ingredients like magnesium are useful for relaxing, while Vitamin B12 deficiency can contribute to stress and depression, so increasing levels of this vitamin can help improve your mood.

You can choose a drip specially designed to boost your mood and improve sleep, or opt for something filled with nutrients that your diet may be lacking, to give your body the strength it needs to continue.

When you've overdone the partying

It's coming up to the festive season, which often means a lot of parties and drinking, both of which can deplete your body and leave you feeling less than your best. IV nutrition not only delivers replenishing vitamins and minerals, it's also extremely hydrating - just what you need when you're hungover.

When you're under the weather

As well as the time of year for parties, it's also the time of year many of us are at risk for picking up colds and flu. Boost your immune system with powerful antioxidants and vitamins. In addition to the classic Vitamin C, which we all know to be great for this time of year, you can load up on zinc, which is not only good at boosting the immune system, it's been seen to speed the healing of a sore throat.

Build up your defences to prevent this season's colds getting to you, or help your recovery speed up, with IVNT designed to give your body what it needs to fight.

When you've been eating badly

Whether it's because of the time of year - combining cold and dark with a desire for carbs and chocolate - or for any other reason, many of us go through phases where our diet isn't as healthy as it could be. IVNT can help mitigate the effects of a poor diet by delivering the nutrients you're lacking - vitamins and minerals that can be hard to get through diet at the best of times.

On top of this, some formulations are designed to help your body reduce its toxic load and work more effectively. Taurine is a powerful amino acid that helps digestion and detoxification, while zinc can affect the regulation of blood sugar.

When you're preparing for an athletic event

Whether you're training for a 5k, 10k, or marathon, or participating in a team sport, making sure your body has the nutrients it needs to perform at its best is vital. It's not always possible to get everything through diet, and some vitamins and minerals are broken down in the stomach so much that you need to consume vast amounts to see even a limited effect.

Getting nutrients through an IV drip delivers them straight into your body where it can use them, without losing any through digestion. Calcium and magnesium are both extremely useful to the muscles and the heart, two things that matter a lot when you're training, and the demand in the body for the amino acid glutamine increases through physical activity.

No matter what you've been doing, how you've been feeling, or what your body is lacking, Intravenous Nutrition Therapy can help you. If you'd like to learn more about the different formulations available, or get some advice on which might be suitable for you, please get in touch.

Rippon Medical Services Ltd
Medical Advanced Aesthetics &
Minor Surgery Clinic
2 Spinners Yard
Fisher Street

01228 791447
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Earlobe Rejuvenation


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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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2 Spinners Yard, Fisher Street,
Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8RE

Carlisle Clinic:  01228 521014
Head Office:  01228 791447
Mobile:  07787 541689

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Registered Company Number 08132885
Registered office: 6 Brunswick Street, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1PN



9.00am - 7.00pm

Prior Appointments ONLY

Rippon Medical Services, Carlisle